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DUDE! Welcome To My Homepage!
Hi! I'm... I'm uh... my name is um...wait I know this one. My names is...OH YEA! I remember now! My name is cathy. I am mentally disturbed so if I do anything or write anything that seems just a little bit "special" just ignore it. Anyway, I built this site because I was really bored on 6/11/02 (2 days before school lets out. YEA!) so I decided to make a website, figuring, I had nothing better to do.
DUDE! Site Updates!
Since my whole website is new, I figure there really isn't much point for righting out this stupid paragraph. Sorry for wasting your time by making you read these sentences. But check out everything on the site. Just because I was toooo lazy to write about everything doesn't mean there isn't wicked stuff to check out.
This is GIR. He is cool and um...yea o.k. I'm done now

DUDE! This Is The Special Stuff
As of right now I've put up pictures of Spike (James Marsters, the hotest guy on the planet) and pictures of the rest of Buffy the Vampire Slayer's cast. I also got pictures of ZIM and SpongeBob. I think I've also got some rock stuff to put up. I think there is some quizes and surveys and stuff too.

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My Story
Catherine (Kitty) Favrot

Red Rose
"So you guys wanna come over for some magick?" "Raven, I thought you gave that up after having those fucked up dreams." "I did but they stopped so I started again." Raven took a sip of her coke and placed it back down, now aware of the people staring at her. "WHAT!?" Exclaimed Raven, "I'm a powerful witch, and I can use magick whenever I fucking want to. I just cant make you all do it with me." Morgan and Riley both shook their heads in amazement. "That's so like you. You dont give a damn about what could happen to you." Sighing, Mercedes continued, "You're gonna get hurt." "No, I'm not. I promise. And there will be even less of a chance of that happening if you guys are there too." Raven looked around the lunch table at all her friends, stopping at each one to hear their reply.

First Dominic, "Fine, I'll do it. I'm not afraid." Marcello looked at Dominic, "Yah right." Raven looked at him, he nodded, "I'm in." "Great!" Smiled Raven. She moved on "Renee?" "I'll be there." "Whatever." Shrugged Logan. Raven smirked then continued down the line. "Morgan? Mercedes?"

"Babe youre fucking crazy." "I know, but thats why you love me right?" She winked at Logan. "Come on people! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE!" They all shrug in resign. "There, you happy we'll all be there." Replied Carmen sarcastically. "YEAH!" Clapped Raven as she smiled wickedly. "The festivities begin at midnight, don't be late." She grinned. With that, she picked up her bag then her lunch tray and walked away. Renee, Gwen, Morgan, Logan, Dominic, Carmen, Riley, Marcello, Dustin, and Mercedes all look at each other and shook their heads. "I swear to God, she's fucking crazy."

Raven smiled to herself as she walked out of the magick shop, at about 9:30 pm. She held a paper bag full of herbs in her left hand. She strolled down the dimly lit street, watching all the people that passed. She thought to herself how tasty they would be. Raven was in the midst of thought when a small girl, about fourteen, walked up to her.

"Ummmm, excuse me, do you know where the magick shop is?" Raven smiled warmly then beckoned the girl into the shadow of a building. "You practice witchcraft?" Asked Raven. "Yah I want this kid to like me so I went to the black arts." The girl shrugged, "Why?" "Are you sure you're ready for that?" Raven asked with mock concern. "Of Course!" Spat the girl, offended by Ravens question. Raven looked at her and grinned. "Liar." She ceased the girl by the chin and looked into her eyes, reading the terror in them. Raven dropped her bag and lifted her hand close to the girl's throat. She reared her hand back and let her sharp nails glide across the girl's throat, cutting deep into the skin. The poor girl tried to speak as the blood began to run down her neck and onto the collar of her shirt. Raven grabbed the girl by the back of the head and brought her head down to smell the fresh blood. She ran her tongue along the red liquid, lapping it up like a kitten laps up milk. Raven latched her mouth to the gapping wound and drank deep. When she decided she'd had enough of the blood, she dropped the body and picked up her bag. She continued her stroll down the street only glancing at her victim as she passed.

Dustin ran his hand through his short blonde hair. "So what are we gonna do first?" "Let's have a seance." "Right then afterwards we can perform an exorcism for the people those spirits possess." Snapped Renee. "Lets do that it would be fucking awesome to talk to the dead." Smiled Morgan. The rest of the group sighed in defeat as Raven began to make a pentacle out of red sand. They all sat around the pentacle and held hands. Raven began to chant, "Ah Man Rah Cia Te Desea Lafe Mi." She continued the words over and over, becoming clearer every time she said it. Raven threw her head back, her breath becoming ragged and intense. A low growl escaped her throat and vibrated off the walls. An energy seeped into her skin making her back go straight and her skin tingle. Her grip tightened on Riley and Gwen's hands. The mumbling began. Raven murmured something barely audible that the others strained to hear. She repeated the same thing over and over again, each time becoming a little bit louder.

"Leave us alone!" Raven started to scream. "We will be the death of you all" The power surged into the others, each of them hearing a different warning. Their breathing also became fast paced and short. As each breath passed a little bit of energy escaped from Carmen's mouth and entered the pentacle on the floor. Raven broke free of her friend's hands and opened her eyes; the others did the same. They all looked around at each other, confused and scared. A silence set over them as their breathing returned to normal. "Well, that was different."

Logan and Carmen stopped at her doorstep. "Dude, I know you like her but I gotta say she walks on the wild side." "Yah I know," moaned Logan, "But you hafta admit that was pretty wicked." "No, that was fucking scary." He gave a weak smile. "Thanks for walking me home." With that Carmen unlocked her door and stepped halfway inside. "No problem." She smiled then walked the rest of the way into her house and shut the door behind her. Logan shoved his hands in his pockets and slowly walked to his own home.

Carmen slipped into her warm bed, relishing the feel of the soft cotton of the sheets against her skin. As she laid her head down on her pillow she soon drifted off into sleep.

She smelled roses. The sweet scent surrounded her, encasing her in an envelope of flower petals. Carmen opened her eyes to see what was around her, realizing it was a dream. She sat on the couch of her living room; tall candles were placed on the two tables next to her, illuminating the red roses scattered across the carpet floor. The petal grazed her toes as a slight breeze wafted through the room. She heard a very small noise and looked around her. Carmen saw nothing that worried her so she went back to touching the flowers with her big toe. She heard the noise again and started to search the room again. Before she could finish all the candles went out. Her eyes strained to see the cause. The red roses began to glow a faint white light. For the first time, she saw the face.

"You know, I think I was channeling Charles Manson." Carmen screamed then stopped. A sharp pain shot through her, she opened her eyes and was staring at herself. Bleeding she saw that her body was without a head. She tried to scream but couldn't. She heard the voice again in her ear, soft and smooth, "did you know the human body can see and hear for another ten seconds after it's decapitated? I did." Carmen closed her eyes as the death and the smell of roses encased her again.

"Where's Carmen?" Asked Marcello as they all walked up the steps to their school. "She was kinda freaked out last night; she probably skipped to clear her mind." "She was scared?" Scoffed Raven. "Well, gee, I wonder. Guess we all can't have iron balls like you" Hissed Dominic. "Damn, I was just asking, no need to cut my head off for it."

Marcello walked as slowly as he could to the library, dreading the report he had to finish. He saw someone walking about twenty yards in front of him. He struggled to get a clear view in the moonlight. He made out Carmen's long brown hair. Marcello ran to catch up with her. She turned and smiled warmly at him. "Hey." "Hey. How are you? You weren't at school today." "I'm fine I just didn't feel like going." "So where are you heading?" She pried. "To the library I gotta finish the report for Mrs. Patterson's class." "Remind me to kill her for assigning that report." Snarled Carmen.

"Better yet, you can help me." She grinned wickedly, that's when he saw her teeth. As sharp as needles. Marcello began to back away from his friend. "Don't worry, this won't hurt." She lunged at Marcello and took him to the pavement with her. Carmen sank her teeth deep into his neck, loving the noise he made as she drank every ounce of his life source. Blood rushed down her throat warming her insides. When she finished she placed her hand over his heart and her hand glowed with white light. Carmen stood up and smiled at her work.

Morgan sat crying at the lunch table by herself. Her friends walked over and tried to comfort her. "What happened?" She sniffled then looked at the people around her. "You didn't hear?" They shook their heads dreading the rest of her news. "They found Marcello last night." Tears streamed down Morgan's cheeks as she spoke. She tried to regain control of her emotions. "He suffered from neck rupture. He's dead." She put her head in her hands and cried. Each sob raking her body and making her shake. Dominic and Renee tried to calm their friend. "I've known him my whole life." She whimpered. "We've all known him for a long time." Corrected Raven. "SHUT UP!" She screamed. "I loved him my whole life!" Morgan glared hatefully at Raven.

"It's your fault!" "NO it's not!" "BITCH! Don't fucking correct me again. I'll fucking kill you. It's your fault!" Raven stood speechless, becoming nervous. "You killed him! You and your magick!" Gwen pulled Morgan into her arms and rubbed her back as she sobbed on her shoulder. Raven sat next to Morgan and pulled her into a hug. "I'm sorry I said that Raven." Morgan continued her crying in Ravens arms. "We'll talk to him tonight." Raven whispered into Morgan's ear. Morgan looked up at her; her eyes full of sorrow. "Okay." She replied softly.

"I'm better than ever." The voice spoke in Morgan's head. "And soon you'll be just like me." She saw Marcello's face in her mind, only he was different his aura was dark. Then he smiled at her his teeth were sharp. Morgan's eyes flew open. She began to breathe normally again.

Morgan lay down on her bed, still terrified by the image she saw. The only thing she could think of was Marcello. Luckily for her sleep came early.

Morgan opened her eyes, seeing she was dreaming. She lay in the middle of a grassy field, the moon and stars hovering over her. She saw in front of her a rd rose. It smelled fresh and beautiful. She picked it up and examined it. She smiled at the flower as the petals tickled her fingers. The rose began to glow. Morgan looked at it confused. She felt something-warm trickle onto her hand. She looked down and saw blood spilled from the rose. "You know what Morgan? It was my fault Marcello's dead." Morgan screamed as strong arms held her down. A dagger plunged into her right wrist pinning her to the ground, then her left. The lean body sat on her legs so she couldn't kick. "And they'll blame me for your death too."

Morgan struggled to get away but sharp pain shot down her arm. She felt something dig into her. The girl looked down to see a knife cutting into her stomach, peeling away the skin. A hand reached into the gash and pulled out organs one at a time. First the small intestine, then the large. Afterwards the stomach and spleen. Pain surged through Morgan as she screamed and whimpered for it to stop. Blackness closed around her as she felt her blood leak from her body onto the soft grass.

Raven Carmen, Marcello and Morgan all sit around a wooden table in Raven's house. "I'm hungry." Complained Morgan. Raven looked at her in disgust, "And you act like we give a shit." Carmen giggled a little. "You know, I could use a good kill." Carmen nodded in agreement with Marcello's statement. She kissed his cheek, and Morgan growled at her, "stay away from him, bitch." Carmen hissed trying to move closer to him. Raven glared at both of the girls in front of her then twisted her hand. The two girls flew to other sides of the room. "Both of you get over it. If you don't already have him, then you're not going to have him. Give it up already." She smiled, "I think I want to take Dominic tonight anyway." She ran her hand over the table, leaving a trail of rose petals as it passed over the wood. "He'd be fun to play with."

He smelled flowers. Dominic opened his eyes and saw Raven laying next to him. He smiled wishing it wasn't a dream. She turned to face him, a red rose in her hand. She held it up to his nose for him to smell. She pushed him onto his back playfully, then straddled his stomach. He grinned up at her as she trailed her nails softly along his chest. Raven stopped right above his heart. She smiled wickedly then plunged her fingers into his skin. Dominic gasped for breath as she dug her Fingers deeper and gripped his heart. He struggled to breath as she slowly pulled out his heart. "You lied. You were afraid. I could smell your fear." Raven giggled then opened her mouth wide, showing her sharp teeth. She sank her fangs into the still beating heart. Dominic watche din horror as she drank the blood from his severed organ. Death closed around him as Raven's lips closed over his heart.

"They're all disappearing" Gwen spoke with fear in her words. Logan decided to speak up, "Somebodies gotta be doing this. I mean four people just dont 'disappear'." "We could do a locator spell>" suggested Raven. "Let's" sighed Mercedes, hugging herself, hoping to shut out the world. Renee rubbed her back, trying to comfort her. "My house it is"

All of them sat in a circle around the petical in the middle of the floor. A different herb was sprinkled in each side of the star. The room smelled of cinnamon. Gwen, Renee, Riley, Dustin, Mercedes and Logan all looked at each other. Raven watched them and counted the days till she'd have them all. "OK let's get this over with." She grabbed Renee and Dustin's hands and closed her eyes. "Come forth Loyal being, Let your actions make meaning, I call you now, Come show your face."
Raven threw her head back and her back went rigid. The candles flickered around them. An energy traveled down their spines causing them to shiver. Dustin opened his eyes and saw the rest of the group breathing heavily and fast. Each one of them saw people who had disappeared in their heads, teeth and all. Each face said something, Dominics most distinct, "And soon you will be just like us." Dustin watched as panick was plastered on each of their faces. He saw a light come out of Renee's mouth like it was air. The light went into the pentacel and lit it, then traveled to the pentacle around Raven's neck. She smiled showing her teeth as it happened.

Dustin sat down at the lunch table and looked at Renee who took a bite out of her sandwich. "Hey Renee guess what." "What?" "You're next to die." She stopped chewing then swallowed her bite and lookedat Dustin. So did everyone else. She spoke very calmly, "ok Dustin, and how did you manage to gather this little tidbit of info?" "I saw it." "Oh really? You saw it? Well I guess that explaines why I'm sitting here now, with you, eating this crappy food." "No dipshit, I didn't actually see it happen. Raven chose you next." "Wait Wait Wait." Logan stopped dustin. "What makes you think Raven has anything to do with this?" "Oh, this is all Ravens fault. She's using the magick to take parts of us. I saw it." He looked back at Renee. "She took part of you and I'm pretty sure she did that with everyone else that's missing. Why do you think she wants to do magick with us?" Renee licked her lips and starred at Dustin, "You're full of shit." "Yah man, she's not gonna die." Riley put is arm protectively around Renee. "You have no proof." stated Logan flatly. "What did you all see when you did the spell?" "Our friends." Gwen spoke up. "They were different though," she trembled as she spoke, "There was something wrong with their faces. She hugged herself. "They had fangs right?" questiones Dustin. "So did Raven."

"Thanks for stayin with me." Gwen smiled at Renee. "No problem you'd do the same for me. The two of them lay down next to each other. "Gwen, I'm afraid." "Don't worry. Everythings ok. I'm here." Renee gave a half smile and closed her eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep.

She opened her eyes and found herself in a bathtub full of warm water. She lifted her hand and rose petals flittered off, dropping back into the water. The small petals glowed a white tint, as someone walked in. raven grabbed Renee by the throat and stuck two fingers in her mouth to pry the jaw open. The girl took out a dagger from her back pocket and held it close to Renee's face. "Now we need to keep you from telling the secret." Raven plunged the dagger into the other girls mouth slicing her tongue. The muscle squirmed out of Renee's mouth and to Raven's hand. She held it high for her victim to see. Tears leaked from her eyes as blood dripped from her lips, down her chin, little drops splashing into the water. "Ok, part two of the secret." Ravens hand found the others head and pushed it under. Renee begged for air as it slowly slipped from her lips. Bubbles floated to the top of the water, popping as they reached the surface.
She struggled to come form the warm water but the arm holding her was strong. Her lungs began to burn as they longed for air. She began to feel dizzy, and she felt conciousness slipping from her. Her eyes closed as she welcomed her death, remembering what Dustin had said.

GOOD Vampire!
This is Spike or James Marsters. He is hot! He has nice abs. Did I mention that he is hot?
