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  The Adventures of Kitty and Satan Please do not attempt to reanact or recreate the things read on this show. I would also recommend that you don't let loved ones read this if you or they value their sanity. Now that that is out of the way onto the Kitty Show!


Ok so me and satan are on the outs. He's mad at me because GOD called him a complete pansy-waist and I didn't stand up for him. I was like, "He's GOD! What did you expect me to do?"

Ok so me and Satan are at the mall looking for a cocktaildress for him to wear to a kegger in the eighth ring when this really skanky girl walks up and starts laughing at Satan because of his red skin. I was like, "YO bitch. You better recognize. My man Satan here didn't ahve his people suffer in lava pits and shit so skanky hoes like you could make fun of his skin." Satan was trying to hold me back all like, "Kitty i can handle this." He then incinerated her. HEHE

Ok so me and satan are sitting in my room watching byrds of prey (by the way, confusing name much? Ones a cat ones a fricken bat woman and the other ones psychic. excuse me when i say HUH???) Any way we're watching tv when my mom bursts in the door and starts bitching about something. I was like, "What the hell?" She continued to bitch and moan about god knows what. Apparently Satan left the toilet seat up and the toilet swallowed me sister. My mom got really pissed when I was rolling on the floor laughing my ass off so she sent us both outside because supposedly it was a beautiful day outside and I needed the sun.

Ok so we're sitting outside soaking up the rays and Satan was like, "I invented post-its." I was like, "No, you didn't." Then he starts bitching about how I never believe anything he says and that he really did invent the post-it. Come on, he's supposed to be the lord of darkness? Seriously, how evil is a fucking post-it?

Ok so anyway we're sitting outside when JAMES MARSTERS walks up all gorgeous and stuff. He's all like, "I kno you were the ones going through my garbage and selling my coffee filters on e-bay." He was still bitching and I'm pretending to not know what the fuck he's talking about and not like...melt at the same time. So I asked him to sign my boobs and Satan was all, "How come you don't let me sign your boobs?" I was like "Satan, ypu're my friend. I'm not letting you anywhere near my boobs."

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  Edit a custom page for your Web site: This is the ideal place to design your own custom page, filled with whatever you can imagine from products, pictures, fan clubs, links or just more information.

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  Edit a custom page for your Web site: This is the ideal place to design your own custom page, filled with whatever you can imagine from products, pictures, fan clubs, links or just more information.

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